Apr 09, 2024
Shortcuts Are For Amateurs
The only way to get better is to do the work. To try, to fail, and to learn between each iteration. Seeking "shortcuts" only destines you for failure.

The only way to get better is to do the work. To try, to fail, and to learn between each iteration. Seeking "shortcuts" only destines you for failure.
Why I treat commits more like a rough save point early on in a project and only create more-rigid commits after a public release.
How just following what's popular can trap you into a pit of anxiety and distract you from building the right skillset for your future.
Why it's important to understand the language(s) you're working with first to avoid accidentally pigeonholing yourself as a developer.
Using a third-party service for managing user accounts can be convenient early on, but long-term, it can cause a lot of headaches for your product.